logo AFCS-CT« Chercheurs Toujours » — Association Française des Chercheurs Seniors
President of honor: Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Nobel prize


is a scientific cross-disciplinary and inter-agency non-profit organization, supported by the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) and INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research).

The central objective of the association is:

  • to participate in the dissemination of scientific knowledge;
  • to increase society awareness on what scientific research is and what are its challenges and ethics;
  • to collaborate on actions directed towards young people and general public;
  • to take part in the scientific cooperation with the so-called developing countries.

On this basis, our action is diversified along the different directions detailed on the Nos activités (Our activities) and Qui sommes-nous ? (Who are we?) pages; also, see the Agenda, Accueil page.

Notice. At the top right of each page displayed on a computer, its translation into diverse languages, including English, is proposed. The result is somewhat basic, with several errors, but many of them can generally be corrected by taking the context into account.

Contact: secretariat.ct@gmail.com

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